While back-of-house is usually a term associated with restaurants, convenience stores are starting to substitute for sit down meals. Grab and go is becoming a culinary phenomenon-nom (Sorry for the pun – had to). A Technomic survey said that 69% of consumers turn to grab and go foods for “added convenience” with 45% of restaurant customers seeking the same level of accessibility.
As more consumers are prompted to purchase grab and go items because of less time to cook, less time to dine in at restaurants and improved packaging, convenience stores have recognized the need to deliver high-quality offerings. Many brands across the country are revamping their stores to include full kitchens and more space to provide a larger range of offerings. As expansion continues, convenience store kitchens need to be equipped with the same amount of hardware and technology as restaurants.
A Technomic survey said that 69% of consumers turn to grab and go foods for added convenience
Technology in the back of house has come a long way in recent years with a strong focus on food safety. Automating these processes helps ensure food safety, maintains accountability and streamlines your operations. Manual food safety processes leave room for error and lack accountability. Even one mistake could put your customers at risk for foodborne illness and ruin the reputation of your convenience store. Plus, manual processes involve a high level of manager training and attention.
As a global leader in market-specific technology solutions, TransAct designs custom solutions for your kitchen that automate manual processes to ensure food safety. Stop by Booth #6280 at NACS 2018 to talk to a back of house expert to see what we can do for your convenience store!