BOHA! Terminal with Jet Pack Troubleshooting Set Up

Auto-Connect Success

HA! Terminal is configured to auto connect to the Jet Pack to connect the BOHA! Terminal to the “BOHA_Terminal” WiFi network.

If auto-connect is successful, the BOHA! Terminal will show the following in the WiFi Settings

And the Jet Pack will show the following. The 1 represents the number of devices connected to the


  1. Jet Pack does not auto-connect and is not displaying the number of devices connected to it

Resolution: Manual Network Selection

  1. Open the WiFi Center app on the BOHA! Terminal
  2. Select the BOHA_Terminal network
  3. Select Connect
  1. WiFi Center app shows BOHA_Terminal network with a checkmark Status but Jet Pack does not show any devices connected to it

Resolution: Jet Pack Power Cycle

  1. Power cycle the Jet Pack
  2. After reboot, the Jet Pack should auto-connect
  3. If the Jet Pack does not auto-connect, follow manual network set up as outlined above in scenario 1.
  4. If this does not resolve the issue, contact Verizon or your preferred Hissho Tech Support outlet.