Epic 430 Support
Utilities are not available for download on mobile devices.
Drivers are not available for download on mobile devices.
Support Topics
What communications do I have?
The Epic 430 printer is equipped with two interface options, Bi-directional Serial RS-232 and USB. Power and communication connections are made to a connector or connectors located at the rear of the printer.
What Epic 430 printer driver should I be using?
The correct printer driver depends on what Operating System you are using. You can find the drivers here
When I print to my Epic 430 printer, nothing happens?
Verify the Epic 430 printer has power and is connected to the system or game. This printer is a thermal printer that requires thermal paper. Make sure the paper is loaded properly. See diagram below: Loading Paper The Epic 430 printer uses a continuous roll of POS or...
How do I know what firmware is currently in my Epic 430 printer?
To find out what firmware is currently in your Epic 430 printer, simply press and hold the FEED button for about 4 seconds (or until all 4 LED lights are lit), and the printer will print out a list of all the current configuration settings in the printer. After the...
What are the functions of the FEED button?
The FEED button will provide various functions, depending upon how long it is pressed. Pressing this button will provide one of three functions. The function is time-dependent, and the display indicators will change to indicate the next mode, as follows: The feed...
Why do I get an Error encountered in opening lang mon Registry when trying to save changes in the properties of the Windows driver?
The “Lang Mon” error is due to the driver’s lack of privileges writing to the registry. If you encounter this error, please use the “TransactPrinterProperties.exe” program found in the Utilities folder that comes with the Windows drivers. Note: You must Right...
Epic 430 Trouble Shooting
Printer Status LED’s The Epic 430TM printer has four indicator lights to indicate various operating states of the printer. In general these are Fault, Cover Open, Paper Status, and Ready. The printer may be in normal operation, self test or in one of two boot load...
Epic 430 Test Mode
TEST button The printer has a hidden TEST button on the right side of the Electronics Base. Figure 1. Location of TEST Button Inside Electronics Base. The TEST button is a multifunction button. By pressing and releasing the TEST button, the printer will enter self...
Epic 430 Manual Configuration
Configuration Mode Overview There are two ways to configure the Epic 430TM printer: the first is to use the manual configuration sequence by using the TEST and FEED key, and the second is to use TransAct’s remote configuration software. TransAct Technologies offers...
Epic 430 Port Pin Out
RS-232 Serial Interface Serial Port Features The serial port features are as follows: Baud Rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, and 57.6KBit Patterns: 8-bit no parity; 8-bit odd; 8-bit even; 7-bit no parity; 7-bit odd; 7-bit evenFlow...
Epic 430 Data Cable Specifications
Serial Null-Modem Cable Pinouts 9 pin to 9 pin Serial Null Modem Cable – Part # 10-2020 DB-9toDB-91 and 6–42–33–24–1 and 65–57–88–7 Where is Pin 1? Connector: DB-9 Female:
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