e Epic 950 printer is equipped with one of several communication interface options. In all cases, power and communication connections are made to a connector or connectors located at the rear of the printer.

  1. RS232 Serial
    Type:        Bi-Directional, serial RS-232 using transmit, receive, and ground.
    Protocol:  Ready/Busy or XON/XOFF, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit.
  2. USB
  4. Universal USB / NETPLEX
  5. Dual Port – NETPLEX
  6. Dual Port – RS232

Note: Communications interface options 3-6 utilize communications protocols that are proprietary to specific manufacturers and are subject to licensing requirements.

               Interface PCB Location (Dual Port – RS232 Shown)