Step-by-step Standard Operating Procedures are in place for good reason – several reasons, actually.

The advantages of following Standard Operating Procedures are undeniable:

  • Achieve Consistency
  • Ensure Uniformity
  • Improve Quality Assurance
  • Ensure Personal Safety
  • Save Time & Money
  • Simplify Employee Management
  • Avoid Knowledge Loss
  • Simplify Audits
  • Maintain Industry Compliance

But how do you make absolutely certain your employees are following all procedures and protocols exactly, consistently, effectively? The success of SOPs is directly proportionate to how seriously your staff takes them. Fortunately, there are several digital tools available to help keep your staff on time, on-task, and of course on-brand.

  • Imagine a customizable checklist app for opening & closing procedures, preventive maintenance, HACCP, regular disinfecting/sanitizing, and more. All tailored to YOUR workflow.
  • Perhaps a digital way to boost employee accountability? Imagine having a real-time digital record of all completed tasks – complete with photos and notes. SOP adherence at its very best.
  • Now imagine creating and assigning tasks right from a mobile app – with built-in corrective actions to let you know what actions need to be taken. Add your own alerts and notifications to make sure must-do tasks are completed safely, and in a timely manner.

Carefully developed, tested, and implemented standardized procedures guide workers and greatly reduce the possibility of missed steps or other errors that impact the quality and safety of the food you serve. Meticulously followed SOPs ensure that your food is created in the same way, every time, in every location, from start to finish.

If you have the right SOPs in place, if you have enough SOPs in place, congratulations – that’s half the battle. Next step? Take the time to ensure that all SOPs are being followed to the letter. We live in digital times. Consider a digital solution to replace whatever pencil-whipped process you’re currently following. As foodservice operations coast to coast can attest, the positive, time-saving, quality-ensuring results you see will be immediate.

The BOHA! (Back-Of-House Automation) suite of apps and hardware by TransAct can help you accomplish everything mentioned above…and then some. Digital tools make all the difference. Digital tools are the proven labor-saving solution that is already helping countless restaurants. The days of performing everyday tasks manually are disappearing fast – the reasons for a move to digital automation keep growing by the day.

This means that BOHA! just might be the new standard for sticking to your Standard Operating Procedures.