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BOHA! Food Prep

FST Logo BOHA Food Prep

Innovate Your Food Prep Process

BOHA! Food Prep provides an innovative way to handle the food prep process. Eliminate hypotheticals and make use of our advanced functions to manage prepping and reduce food waste.


Reduce Over Prepping

Prevent your team from making too much of anything using prep schedules customized by location and day of the week.

Step-by-Step Prep

Access recipe information directly within the app. Those preparing the food will have the recipe instructions right at their fingertips.

Maintain Consistency

Maintain the quality of your daily prepped food items with the ability to manage prep and hold times to ensure you are serving fresh food throughout the day.

Streamlined Workflow

With detailed recipe instructions, food labeling, and an accurate prep schedule all in one place, you’ll gain efficiency and improvements to your process and workflow.

Food Prep Labels

Food prep lists are generated automatically based on daily counts and predefined lists. Print the proper amount of labels needed based on quantity prepped.

BOHA! Food Prep is available for both iOS and Android operating systems

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