FST Posts, Blog
Restaurants have been compelled to make critical changes to keep their employees and customers healthy and maintain their operations as clean as possible. One of these changes is to give clients the option to order digitally. This is where QR codes come in. For a...
Gaming Posts, Blog
We often mention that our Epic Edge TITO printer was strategically designed to improve casino operations. One of the key design features of the “Edge” is its inclusion of a Micro SD card slot. How does this actually benefit operators? Let’s explain. Firmware upgrades...
FST Posts, Blog
A revolution in digital technology has swept through front-of-house foodservice operations, and its effects have been so remarkable that even industry veterans have gotten whiplash. “I’m probably one of the few people who remember using dupe checks in the...
Blog, Gaming Posts
High bill acceptance rates are crucial to keeping players happy. To drive higher acceptance, TransAct has introduced the Epic Edge®, designed to give your casino players a better experience and higher player satisfaction. But don’t take our word for it, here is...
FST Posts, Blog
A busy commercial kitchen requires a lot of multitasking. Especially in today’s, dare I say it, new normal. You need to be on top of tasks now more than ever to ensure procedures are being followed in a timely manner. Generally, these tasks can be attributed to...
FST Posts, Blog
When it comes to dealing with the coronavirus reality, proactive beats reactive every time. The BOHA! suite of back-of-house apps can help you stay smart, stay safe, and regain control that’s all-too-easy to lose during times like this. First of all, as a foodservice...